Case Study 2 - Render Report in Perspective

In this case study, we will demonstrate how to render a report in a Perspective which is similar to the Report Designer using Action. We can continue using the Perspective created in Case Study 1.

  1. Since we are rendering a report, we will need a report template. Create a new report template and give it a unique name. In this case study, we name it Fruit Report. Click Next. For the datasource, we will use FruitSales.ds (available in /ElixirSamples/DataSource). Click Next. As for the report type, we will use a Standard Report, Tabular Report. Click Next. For simplicity, we will use all the fields in FruitSales.ds. To move the fields to the Report column all at one go, you can click on the second button from the top. Click on Finish to exit from the wizard.
  2. On exiting of the wizard, the report template would have been created. To add this report template to the perspective, go to the perspective and simply drag the file to the perspective. In this case study, we will add it to the right of FruitSales.
  3. At the second page of the Edit Content wizard, click on the empty field under Mapping, then click on the ... button. In the DataSet Chooser wizard, click on the View tab. Select FruitSales, then Selected. Exit the DataSet Chooser wizard by clicking on Ok. Exit the Edit Content wizard by clicking on Finish.
  4. To add an action to generate the report template, go to the Perspective tab. At the Action tab, click on the Add icon and the Action Wizard will appear. For the View and Content, select Fruit Report. For the Event, select doubleClick. For the Type, select Render Report. For the View, select Fruit Report. Exit the wizard by clicking on the Ok button. With this, the report template will display records selected from FruitSales, and you can render the report by double-clicking.
  5. Now, try selecting some records from FruitSales. The report template will show the selected records, which is something like Figure 4.3, “Sample”.

    Figure 4.3. Sample

  6. To render the report, double-click within the area of the report template (as configured in the Action wizard). The Render Wizard which is similar to the one in Report Designer will appear, as shown in Figure 4.4, “Render Wizard”. Select the format you wish to render the report to and run through the wizard if you need to do any extra configurations.

    Figure 4.4. Render Wizard

    Render Wizard
  7. The report will be generated to your desired format after clicking on Finish.