Case Study 1 - Generate Data

This case study will do a simple illustration on how to use the Generate Data action.

  1. Create a Perspective and give it a unique name.
  2. Drag FruitSales.ds (available in /ElixirSamples/DataSource) into the perspective and select Add Table. Click through the wizard and click on Finish to exit from the wizard.
  3. The Table element will be created on the perspective. To add an action to generate data, go to the Perspective tab. At the bottom of the screen, click on the Action tab, then click on the Add icon and the Action Wizard will appear, as shown in Figure 4.1, “Default screen of Action Wizard”. With this action, on double-clicking on FruitSales (the Table element), you will be able to generate the data in FruitSales.

    Figure 4.1. Default screen of Action Wizard

    Default screen of Action Wizard
  4. In the Action Wizard, you can customize the actions you want. In this case study, for View, select FruitSales. For Content, select FruitSales. For Event, select doubleClick. For Type, select Generate Data. For View, select FruitSales. Exit the wizard by clicking on the Ok button.
  5. Go to the View tab. Try selecting a few records in FruitSales while holding on the Ctrl key. After selecting, double-click within the Table element and Generate Data Wizard will appear as shown in Figure 4.2, “Generate Data Wizard”. All will mean saving all the data in the Table element. Selected will mean saving only the selected records in the Table element. Unselected will mean saving all the records other than the selected ones.

    Figure 4.2. Generate Data Wizard

    Generate Data Wizard
  6. Clicking on the OK button will lead you to the page for selecting the format you wish to save to, designate the location for saving and the name of the file. Clicking on Save will generate the file.