Case Study 2 - Chart Drilldown

In this case study, we will demonstrate how to use the Chart element drilldown function.

  1. The first element to create, needless to say will be the Chart element. Drag FruitSales.ds into the Perspective and select Add Chart. After clicking on Next 4 times, you will need to select a chart type. Select Pie followed by Pie chart then Next.
  2. For the Key tab, select Fruit. For Value tab, select 2000. Exit the wizard by clicking on Finish.
  3. Next, drag FruitSales.ds again into the Perspective and place it on the right. This time, select Add Table. On the first page of Add Content Wizard, click on the View tab and select FruitSales then Selected. Exit the wizard by clicking on Finish.
  4. On the Perspective workspace, try clicking on the different slices on the Pie Chart. Since the Key of the Pie Chart is Fruit, when the user clicks on the different slice, the Table element will display the records with the selected Fruit, which is similar to Figure 2.22, “Results of Case Study 2”.

    Figure 2.22. Results of Case Study 2

    Results of Case Study 2