Case Study 1 - Composite Chart

This case study uses FruitSales.ds to create a simple example to demonstrate the use of Composite Chart.

  1. Create a new blank report, with any name, for example, sample and use FruitSales.ds as the datasource.
  2. Click on the icon for Composite Chart, and drag a space in the Section Header.
  3. Select Multiple Axes then Category Plot with Multiple Axes.
  4. On clicking Next is the wizard page to add the subplot.
  5. Click on the Add icon, Chart Wizard opens. Select Over All, then click on Next.
  6. Select Column then Column 3D. Click Next.
  7. For Key, select Fruit. For Values, add 1998 and 1999.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Follow step 5 to 8. Except when choosing the Chart type, select Line, then Line with Shape instead of Column and add 1997 and 2000 for Values.
  10. At the bottom of the wizard, check Shared X (Range) Axis.
  11. Enter the name of the chart in Name of Axis for easy identification when viewing the chart.
  12. Click Finish to finalize all the editing. The Composite Chart will appear like in Figure 4.37, “Composite Chart”.

    Figure 4.37. Composite Chart

    Composite Chart


If the Composite Chart has a shared X axis and each of the charts has a name for their respective axes, the name entered in Axes tab, X Axis field will be overwritten. On the other hand, if nothing is entered for the respective axes, the name in X Axis will be the name for all the X axes. This is applicable to Y axis as well.