The key concept in REST is the idea that each resource should have a unique global identifier and that operations can be applied to the resource through a set of well-defined operations (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE). In Elixir Repertoire, this means that each repository file and folder, user, group, report, datasource, target, even log, all have distinct identifiers - URLs - that allow direct interaction. For example, creating a new user called bill can be done through the Web Interface with your browser, as described previously, but can just as easily be done by sending a PUT request to the URL /user/bill. Similarly, accessing a server log is as simple as sending a GET request to /log/file/server.log. You can integrate that log into a portal if you choose, or maybe write a utility to scan the log for specific tasks you are monitoring.

Using REST, you can compact a filesystem even without the access to the administration console. Type the following scripts in the command line to compact all filesystems:

curl -X POST --basic -u admin:sa http://localhost:8080/repository?

All .bak files will be removed.

You can also compact only one filesystem at a time by adding its Display Name after /repository in the scripts. For example, when the Display Name is ElixirSamples, use the following scripts:

curl -X POST --basic -u admin:sa http://localhost:8080/repository/

All .bak files in /ElixirSamples will be removed.