The distribution unpacks into a top-level
There are thirteen core sub-directories immediately below
bin: contains startup and shutdown and other system-specific scripts. We have already seen the run script which starts the server.
clients: contains the client side supporting libraries and application for connecting to the server to generate report and list report templates deployed on the server. The clients/lib sub directory contains Java client core libraries (RepertoireClient.jar). The sub directory clients/bin contains some scripts to test the server and provide a direct invocation examples via command line, this useful for integrating report generation with a operating system like cron job.
config: contains the server configuration files. These are discussed in Chapter 4, Configuration.
db: this directory only exists after the server has run for the first time.
docs: contains the server documentations and the APIs used for the server client connection.
ext: is the location to place any third party java libraries such as JDBC drivers or custom Java classes. These will be loaded into the classpath of the server for use by dashboards, data sources and reports.
lib: JAR files which are needed to run the Elixir Repertoire Server. You should not add any of your own JAR files here.
license: Elixir Repertoire Server depends on a number of excellent open source libraries. Licenses for those libraries, along with the Elixir license are included here.
log: contains all the server generated log files.
output: The folder1 and folder2 subdirectories are used as sample targets.
plugins: Plugins for Ad Hoc.
samples: contains default set of sample reports, dashboards and data sources for testing the server.
web-pages: The web pages used to present the browser interface. These often have dynamic content.
web-resources: The web resources used to present the browser interface. These are static content.