Batch Mode Template Migration

The Elixir Repertoire bin directory contains a migrate batch file and shell script that illustrate how to invoke the migrator module without choosing each template file explicitly using the GUI. You should always make a backup of your ER4 templates before attempting migration.

The main class launched for migration is:


and all the jars listed in the scripts must be on the classpath to use it. If you run the migrator with no parameters you get a help message as follows:

C:\ElixirRepertoire\bin> migrate
  Usage: ModelMigrator [-r] file...
  More than one filename can be specified, if a directory name
  is used all .template files within it will be processed. By
  using the -r option, directories will be processed recursively

So to convert all templates within a folder, just use

migrate C:\ER4\Samples

and all template files in that directory will be converted into the new RML format. The new files will be placed in the same directory, but with .rml extensions. To convert templates from multiple directories, use

migrate -r C:\ER4\Samples

and all templates in Samples and all sub directories will be converted. In all cases, the original templates will not be modified, however any existing rml files that have the same name as a migrated template will be overwritten without warning.


The migrator used here in batch mode is identical to the one invoked from the GUI, therefore the same limitations on migration apply and some templates may still require manual adjustments.