The XLS Renderer is used to generate an Excel file. The generated output is compatible with Excel 97 or later.

XLS supports the Streamed render property. If the Streamed check box is selected, the data will be displayed on one continuous worksheet in the Excel file.

XLS provides a Sectioned option that renders each selected section on a separate worksheet in the Excel file.

XLS supports the Paged render property. If the Paged check box is selected, the data will be split into multiple pages (based on the page setup) and displayed across multiple worksheets. When Paged is false, no page headers or footer will be rendered.

XLS provides a Tree option that renders the report into a tree structure, based on the Table of Contents (TOC) field defined in group header properties. There should be two nested groups with the same criteria. The outer group is blank with TOC enabled, while the inner group contains the information. The outer group will be used to split so that there will be one set of data on each worksheet. The inner group will then show the header, records and footer on each worksheet.

XLS provides a Snap option that may improve (or worsen) the layout of Excel cells. When Snap is off, the cells are positioned exactly the same as in the report template. This means if there is a one pixel gap between two report elements, there will be a one pixel row or column in the Excel file. When Snap is enabled, all coordinates are adjusted to fit on a 4x4 pixel grid. This means a component at 9,11 will be adjusted to 8,8. This adjustment removes the very small cells used as spacers, but may adjust the layout slightly to accommodate the grid. You should try both Snap on and Snap off to see which works best for your template. In general, if you use HBox and VBox to do alignment, then Snap off will usually give the best results.

XLS provides a Force numbers as text option which allows the full format of the numbers to be displayed. When Force numbers as text option is off, the numbers rendered in excel output will be displayed in a whole figure format. When the Force numbers as text option is enabled, the numbers rendered in excel output will be displayed in a complete format including the decimals.

XLS supports Multiplier property. XLS allows the setting of cells width scale of excel output. To configure the cell width scale, enter an appropriate value in Multiplier textfield. To allow lengthy words to be displayed fully, larger multiplier value has to be entered.

XLS will take the Left Margin and Top Margin settings done in Page Setup and apply it when rendering.


There is a limit to the number of rows that spreadsheets can display in one sheet. The limit varies between products and versions, but is around 32,000 rows. Paged option is not applicable to On Render Begin.