
The Repertoire page lists the repository filesystems. Clicking on a filesystem and subsequent folders and files allows you to navigate through viewing of datasources, templates, dashboard and executing jobs. Other files such as pdf, text file, xml files etc can also be viewed through here. The structure of the repository is left entirely to the administrator, archived reports could be placed in separate filesystem from the report templates used to generate them, so that access rights can be easily administered.

If you click on a datasource, you will be prompted for any parameters the datasource requires and the data will then be generated into the browser. If no parameters are needed, then the data will be generated directly upon choosing the datasource file.

If you click on a report, you will be prompted for any parameters the report requires and also will be asked to choose the output type for the report. The default output type is HTML, which will show directly in your browser. Other formats, such as Glint, PDF and Excel are also available. Some of these may appear in your browser (depending on installed plugins), or you may be prompted to download the file. The Simple HTML option produces just a single streamed HTML output, rather than the paged output you get from the default HTML choice. This produces only a single file, with no dependencies. Therefore, this format is only suitable for reports that have no generated images (it is ok to include images that are accessible by URL).

If you click on a dashboard, you will be prompted for any parameters the dashboard requires and the dashboard view will then be generated into the browser. If no parameters are needed, then the dashboard will be generated directly upon choosing the dashboard PML file.

For other file types, the data will be sent to the browser. How the browser handles the data depends on how it has been configured and what plugins are available. For example, with Adobe Acrobat installed on Windows, choosing a PDF file from the repository will open it directly in your browser. However, if you don't have Adobe Acrobat, you will be prompted to save the file instead.


The repository search allow you to locate files in the system based on pre-defined criteria as file name, path or extension. You can do range search based on file modified date.

You can customized your search using Lucene query criteria with Lucene syntax. Some of criteria you can use are as follow.

File Name
File name in the repository
File Extension
File extension in the repository. For example, you can enter "ds", "rml" or "pml" to search for files in a certain type.
File Last Modified Date
Date that file was last saved after changes were made
File Path
File path in the repository
File Keywords
Keywords of file in the repository
DataSource embedded in file (path)
Datasource contained in file in the repository
Report embedded in file (path)
Report nested in a file in the repository
Lucene Query
Customize search. For example, you can use the syntax [field]:[query]* AND file.ext:ds
This is to locate any files starting with E and has an extension of ds. The details of the syntax is located at Apache Lucene website under Query Parser Syntax.

The repository search indexing is updated once on the server startup. You may manually trigger a fresh or schedule the indexing of the repository. The configuration detail is found later in this chapter.


This option makes organizing and maintaining of files and folders in the repository easier and faster with buttons clearly labelled for each respective task.

  • Copy: copying of files and folder between filesystem and folder

  • Move: this option is only available to files and folders. Option will be available when file(s)/folder(s) are checked. Selected file(s)/folder(s) from one panel will be moved to the directory of the other panel.

  • Rename: renames a selected file/folder. Similar to the Move option, this option is only available when a file/folder is selected.

  • Delete: deletes selected file(s)/folder(s)

  • New Folder: creates a new folder in the current directory

  • Upload: uploads file into the current directory

  • Download Folder: downloads a folder in ZIP file format to a location as configured in the browser settings. The entire folder will be downloaded, disregarding which file(s)/subfolder(s) are checked.

  • Continue: brings user back to current directory in the Repertoire. When user clicks on the Continue button on the right/left panel, it will bring the user bring the user back to directory that the respective panel is in.