Renaming the server enables you to differentiate multiple server instances and makes it easier to administrate.
For Windows operating systems, open the bin/startServer.bat file to edit. Under the last line of the batch file, insert the machine name property in the following:
%JAVACMD% -mx512M -Delx.machine="ServerMachineName" -jar RepertoireServer-Launcher.jar
For Linux operating systems, open the bin/ file to edit. Under the last line of the .sh file, insert the machine name property in the following:
java -mx512M -Delx.machine="ServerMachineName" -jar RepertoireServer-Launcher.jar
Replace "ServerMachineName" in the code segments with the new name. Save the changes before closing. Execute the startServer.bat or file. View the new name by pointing your web browser to http://localhost:8080/query/machine/.
Alternatively, you can edit this in the config file config/ERS2.xml, as shown in the section called “Server Machine Name”.