Elixir Repertoire Server Command Client

Elixir Repertoire Server Command client allows you to integrate report generation with a script based command line invocation. This can be use with a system scheduler like a cron job as a batch script.

Here is an example of the script,

  -classpath RepertoireClient.jar 
  com.elixirtech.ers2.client.ERSClientCommand --host localhost 
  --port 8080 --report "/Reports/myreporttemplate.rml" --mimetype 
  application/pdf --output "./myreports/Test.pdf" --user user
  -password pass

where request is submitted to the server to return a pdf formatted report name Test.pdf of the name "/Reports/myreporttemplate.rml". For an updated list of parameters to be used with the command interface, please use

java -classpath RepertoireClient.jar
				com.elixirtech.ers2.client.ERSClientCommand --help.